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Vocations and Discernment

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Exploring the different vocations is a great way to learn about the Church, made up of so many different members working to build up the Kingdom of God. I think young people have a lot of questions about vocations, especially the priesthood and religious life. They may not realize that every vocation is a response to love and a call to lay down one's life for others: as a married person, priest, consecrated or single person. They too can be inspired in their faith and service as they see real people live out the Gospel in counter-cultural ways.

For priesthood, I have shared the 12-min. video on Formed, "Why a Priesthood?" (The Search Continues) with my catechism class when we talked about the priesthood.

For religious life, I really like the "Light of Love" film, which takes us into the lives of five Sisters from five orders in the U.S. It is very beautifully done (Film:

If you know anyone who is discerning, I have attended and recommend the annual virtual vocation panels from Vocations Ministry, based in the U.S. There is one about consecrated life for women, "Behind the Veil"; religious life for men, "Behind the Habit"; and "Behind the Collar" for men discerning priesthood). There are also a lot more resources about vocations ministry at their website: .

For understanding human sexuality, marriage (and really all vocations), the "Theology of the Body for Beginners" by Christopher West is an accessible and readable book.


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